Saturday, March 17, 2012

How Should Men with Sensitive Skin Shave?

If you are a man with sensitive skin then this is the guide that will help you finally get a close shave that is free of ingrown hairs and razor burn.

For men with sensitive skin it is essential to follow a skin care and shaving routine that uses products made for men with sensitive skin. This seems like a simple rule to follow but most men do not do this!

Lots of guys just shave with soap and water but with time this can make your facial skin look unhealthy and old. Skin care and shaving products for men where designed to help men look their best without having to get botox or surgery. In addition it also helps you get the perfect shave so that you can finally enjoy shaving and not put up with razor burn and cuts.

Using the best shaving cream for men with sensitive skin will make a huge difference in your shave but you should also use pre-shaving and post-shaving products to protect and heal your skin. The majority of men with sensitive skin will also find that using a shaving razor that has few blades also helps get less irritation. The best option would be to use one of the best safety razors for men but a safety razor does require some practice and learning.

Bottom line, how should a men with sensitive skin be shaving?

First you should always use a daily face wash, be fore to find a gentle face cleanser for men with sensitive skin. Sensitive skin does not need heavy exfoliating, using a face scrub once or twice a week should suffice.

Always use a moisturizer for men, this helps to hydrate, protect and repair your facial skin. A moisturizer is the last product you apply after your entire routine. Many moisturizers also have UV protection which is a nice plus.

When shaving be sure to apply a pre-shaving balm or oil and on top of this your shaving cream. Using a shaving brush will also help get a closer shave as it spreads and lathers the cream evenly to protect your skin as the blade glides along, cutting away your beard. When you are done wash with cold water and apply an aftershave balm.

Before you step out into the sun (even if it's not sunny there are still UV rays) be sure to apply your moisturizer with UV protection!

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